A destructor is present on this object, but not explicitly documented in the source.
lazy javascript that you can use to tell the browser to keep scrolling down as you write content. This is handy if you said don't cache, and your web server is set up to not compress the returned data to browser.
set the class instance mime type to common mimetypes based on a file extension.
Dumps the contents of the CGI class to the page. Very useful for debuging
Dumps the system environment variables to the page.
Check if a cgi variable exists with the passed in name.
Check if a cgi variable exists with the passed in name and index. keep in mind that the cgi environment can have multiple variables with the same name the passed in index allows us to specify which one to check for.
Get the cookie.
getter method for error_msg.
Get a file from the cgi enviroment of string name * returns a CGIFILE class.
Get the content of a file in the cgi environment with string name.
Get the content of a file in the cgi environment with string name and the index. keep in mind that we can have the same cgi variable with string name several times index allows us to specify which one we want.
Get the file content type of the the file posted/put in the cgi envirnment with the variable string name.
Get the file content type of the the file posted/put in the cgi envirnment with the variable string name with the index. Keep in mind that a variable can exist multiple times in the cgi environment and the index allows us to specify exactly which one.
Get the file name of the the file posted/put in the cgi envirnment with the variable string name.
Get the file name of the the file posted/put in the cgi envirnment with the variable string name with the index. Keep in mind that a variable can exist multiple times in the cgi environment and the index allows us to specify exactly which one.
create a string of the cgi variables that are in forward mode. * This allows us to use cgi variables to keep state and forward them on to another form submission. This allows the programmer * to selectivly forward and unforward cgi variables for flow/state control.
get the current MIMETYPE
Get the value for the cgi variable for the passed in name
Get the value for the cgi variable for the passed in name and index. keep in mind that the cgi environment can have multiple variables of the same name the index allows us to specify which one we want.
Since the cgi environment can have multiple variables we might want to get all the values.
Get the cgi Variable mode of a given name.
Get the cgi Variable mode of a given name and index Keep in mind the cgi environment can contain multiple variables with the same name. The index allows us to get the one we want.
end the page being returned
Print to standard out http headers initialize the page.
tell the browser to run the AutoScroll javascript.
set the cookie.
set the MIMETYPE.
* Instead of reading the cgi data only from the environment, we can set our own cgi variables from memory.
set the cgi Variable mode of a given name
set the cgi Variable mode of a given name and index Keep in mind the cgi environment can contain multiple variables with the same name. The index allows us to get the one we want.
stream the contents of a file back to the browser. you will have to store the file in the cgi class instance by setting a CGIVAL with CGIFILE class.
Check to see if a cgi variable with name is a file or not.
Check to see if a cgi variable with name and index is a file or not. keep in mind that the cgi environments may contain several variables with same name. the index allows us to specify which one.
CGI class * Designed to read the environment variables created by web server and will consume the data and make it easily accessible to program with.